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Tuesday, March 9, 2021

History Of Apple

Apple Inc


Apple launched on April 01, 1976.

 Its co-founders are Steve Jobs (21Age), Steve Wozniak (26Age), and Ronald Wayne. Its CEO is Steve Jobs (September 16, 1997-August 24, 2011). The current CEO is Timothy Donald Cook (August 24, 2011). Gill Amello (Feb 02, 1996) served as CEO before Steve Jobs.

 Steve Jobs used to come to Apple Garden near his home during his school and college days. That garden has seen his joys and sorrows. He got acquainted with a girl named Chris Brennan while in college. That’s where they fell in love. He named his company apple to commemorate it.  

It is headquartered in Cupertino, California. The company manufactures accessories, I Pod, I Pad, I Phone, I Mac, Mac Books, Apple Watch, Apple TV, Air Pods, Audio, and Software.


For the financial need of the company, Steve Jobs started the company by selling his Volkswagen bus for $1,500. Co-founder Steve Wozniak initially sold his Hewlett-Packard calculator for $ 500 to fund the company.
 Ronald Wayne left the company in just 12 days. He sold his shares to affiliates for $ 800.Today, Apple's 10% stake is worth more than $ 95 billion.

When the Apple financial crisis hit in 1997, Steve Jobs sought the help of Bille Gates. As a result, in August 1997, it was announced that both Apple and Microsoft had signed a historic agreement at the mac world event. Agreed to a broad patent cross-license agreement and pledged to support Microsoft office for Microsoft Mac for five years. At the same time, Apple agreed to make internet explorer the default web browser on Mac.

Although Steve Jobs was CEO of Apple from 1997 to 2011, he had only $ 1 per year. 

Apple First Computer

Apple introduced its first computer within 11 days of its inception (April 11, 1976). Its price was then $ 666.66.

Apple Logo

Guys, you know what Apple's first logo is👇

When designing the Apple logo, its designer showed two different logos to Steve Jobs. One is a whole apple and the other is a half-bitten apple. Steve Jobs chose this because the half-bitten apple is different and Attractive.

Apple first Digital Camera

 In 1994, Apple introduced the first consumer digital camera. Its name is Quick Take 100. It was on sale for three years before it was discontinued in 1997.

First I Book Laptop 

Apple introduced the I Book laptop in July21, 1999, and began operating at a profit. It was discontinued on May 16, 2006. 

iPod & I Tones

Apple introduced the I Tone in 2001. That same year October 23 introduced the portable music player I Pod. This is the reason for Apple's huge revenue. Anthony Michael Fadell (born March 22, 1969) is a former employee of General Magic and Phillips. Fadell has been called the "father of the iPod", which helped transform him from a struggling computer maker into one of the most valuable public companies in history and accounted for more than 50 percent of Apple's revenue. In late July 2017, Apple discontinued its iPod Nano and iPod Shuffle models, only available for purchase on the iPod Touch. As of 2015, more than 390 million units have been shipped.

First I Phone & Apple TV

Apple unveiled its first mobile phone at the Mac World Conference & Expo in January 2007. Steve Jobs in the same event revealed the final name for the Apple TV (originally called by its code name I TV). At the same event, he changed the name of Apple Computer Inc. to Apple Inc.

At Apple, all iPhone Ads will be 9.41 am. The reason for this is that it was the time when Steve Jobs launched I phone in 2007. This time was the default until 2010.

Siri Voice Assistant

Siri is a spin-out from the SRI International Artificial Intelligence Center and is an offshoot of the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency's (DARPA)-funded CALO project. Siri voice assistant was acquired entirely in April 2010 at the instigation of Steve Jobs. It came into force on October 04, 2011.


The highly anticipated media tablet iPad was unveiled by Steve Jobs at the Apple press event on January 27, 2010. On April 3, 2010, the WiFi variant of the device was released in the United States It offers multi-touch interaction with multimedia formats including newspapers, e-books, photos, videos, music, word processing documents, video games, and most existing iPhone apps using a 9.7-inch screen.

In 2012, 340K iPhones were sold in a single day. At that time apple earned 3 lakhs per minute. In 2014, Apple had higher revenue than Amazon, Google, and Facebook.

Apple Watch

Apple Watch was introduced by Tim Cook on September 9, 2014. It went on sale on April 24, 2015. It had health and fitness tracking facilities.

Air Pods 

Apple introduced the first generation wireless Bluetooth earbuds on December 13, 2016. In March 2019, it introduced its second-generation wireless Bluetooth earbuds.

 Smart Speaker

On February 9, 2018, Apple released its first Smart Speaker. The Home PodThe Home Pod has a rounded, cylindrical shape and a small touch screen on top of it.

Other Interesting Information

Apple voided the warranty because the computer was used in a house where there was smoking. It also refused to work on the machine due to the "health risks of secondhand smoke."

 Apple's Retina display is all made by Samsung. Currently manufactured and supplied by LG.

 Apple's employee is paid between 10 lakhs and 50 lakhs per month. An average of 27 lakhs per month is given.
  Apple is the most valuable brand in the world. Its value as of August 2020 is $ 2 trillion. This is more than the GDP of many developed countries, including Italy, Brazil, Canada, Russia, and South Korea.
  As of 2020, there are 147K employees employed.

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